Contact HMRC re Corporation Tax by Post

Are you a corporation looking to get in touch with Her Majesty`s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) regarding your corporation tax? While there are several ways to contact HMRC, including phone and online options, sometimes sending a letter by post can be the most effective method. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of contacting HMRC re corporation tax by post and provide some helpful tips for a successful correspondence.

Why Contact HMRC by Post?

While it may seem old-fashioned, contacting HMRC by post can have its advantages. Sending a letter provides a paper trail for your communication and allows you to include any necessary documentation or evidence to support your inquiry. Additionally, some individuals and businesses may prefer the more formal and traditional approach of sending a letter.

How to Contact HMRC by Post

When sending a letter to HMRC regarding your corporation tax, it`s important to include the following information:

Your Corporation`s NameXYZ Corporation Ltd.
Corporation Tax Reference Number1234567890
Correspondence Address123 Main Street, London, UK
Nature Inquirye.g. Corporation Tax Payment Issue

Sample Letter Template

Here`s a sample template for a letter to HMRC regarding corporation tax:

[Your Name]
[Your Corporation`s Name]
[Corporation Tax Reference Number]
HM Revenue Customs
Corporation Tax Services
BD98 1YY
United Kingdom
Dear Sir/Madam,
I writing inquire about [nature inquiry]. [Provide details supporting documentation needed].
[Closing signature]

Case Study: Success with Contacting HMRC by Post

John, a small business owner, had been experiencing issues with his corporation tax payments. After attempting to resolve the issue over the phone, he decided to send a detailed letter to HMRC outlining the problem and providing evidence of his payments. Within a few weeks, John received a response from HMRC with a resolution to his issue, and he was able to rectify the payment discrepancies.

Contacting HMRC re corporation tax by post can be a strategic and effective method for resolving issues and inquiries. By ensuring that your letter contains all necessary information and documentation, you can increase the likelihood of a prompt and thorough response from HMRC.


Top 10 Legal Questions about Contacting HMRC re Corporation Tax by Post

1. Can I contact HMRC by post for corporation tax related queries?Absolutely! You can certainly reach out to HMRC by post for any corporation tax related matters. In fact, many businesses still prefer this traditional mode of communication for its reliability and formality.
2. What information should I include in my letter to HMRC regarding corporation tax?When writing to HMRC about corporation tax, it`s essential to provide your company`s unique taxpayer reference (UTR), relevant accounting period, and a detailed explanation of your query or concern. This will help HMRC address your issue more effectively.
3. Is there a specific address I should send my corporation tax correspondence to?Yes, HMRC has dedicated addresses for different types of corporation tax queries. Ensure send letter appropriate address avoid delays. You can find the relevant address on the HMRC website or previous correspondence received from them.
4. How long does it typically take for HMRC to respond to postal inquiries about corporation tax?HMRC aims to respond to written correspondence within 15 working days. However, the response time may vary based on the complexity of your query and the current workload at HMRC. It`s always a good idea to follow up if you haven`t received a response within a reasonable timeframe.
5. Can I send supporting documents along with my letter to HMRC?Absolutely! In fact, including relevant supporting documents can significantly expedite the resolution of your corporation tax issue. Ensure make copies documents records clearly reference them letter.
6. Are there any specific guidelines for the format of postal correspondence to HMRC?While there are no strict formatting guidelines, it`s essential to ensure that your letter is clearly structured, well-written, and includes all necessary information. Using the appropriate headings, bullet points, and a concise writing style can make your letter more effective.
7. Should I seek legal advice before contacting HMRC by post about corporation tax?If you`re unsure about the legal implications of your corporation tax issue, seeking legal advice can be beneficial. A qualified tax attorney can provide valuable guidance on how to approach HMRC and ensure that your rights are protected throughout the process.
8. Can I request a face-to-face meeting with HMRC instead of corresponding by post?HMRC does offer the option for face-to-face meetings to discuss complex corporation tax matters. However, it`s important to keep in mind that scheduling such meetings may take time, and you may still be required to follow up with written correspondence for documentation purposes.
9. What should I do if I disagree with HMRC`s response to my postal inquiry about corporation tax?If you disagree with HMRC`s response, you have the right to request a review of their decision. You can outline your reasons for disagreement and provide any additional evidence to support your position. If necessary, you may also have the option to escalate the matter to a tribunal.
10. Are there any time limits for contacting HMRC by post about corporation tax?While there are no strict time limits, it`s always best to address any corporation tax concerns in a timely manner. Delays in seeking resolution could potentially result in penalties or accrual of additional interest, so it`s important to reach out to HMRC as soon as the need arises.


Preliminary Agreement

This Contract HMRC re Corporation Tax by Post (“Agreement”) is entered into on this date by and between the undersigned parties:

Party A: [Full Legal Name]Party B: Her Majesty`s Revenue Customs (“HMRC”)

Whereas Party A is a corporation registered under the laws of [Jurisdiction] and is required to file its corporation tax return with HMRC. Party A and HMRC (collectively, the “Parties”) hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:


1. Party A shall submit its corporation tax return to HMRC by post in accordance with the provisions set forth in the Corporation Tax Act 2010 and any other applicable laws and regulations.

2. HMRC shall acknowledge receipt of Party A`s corporation tax return within a reasonable period and shall process the return in accordance with its statutory duties.

3. Party A and HMRC shall engage in good faith communications regarding any queries, requests for additional information, or investigations related to Party A`s corporation tax return.

4. Any notices, correspondence, or documents related to Party A`s corporation tax return shall be sent by post to the address specified by HMRC or as otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.

5. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in [City], in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Institution].

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first above written.

Party A: ________________________Party B: ________________________